Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving + Hanukkah =

This post brought to you by the fabulous 

Thanksgivukkah. Are you familiar? Ok good, glad that’s taken care of (but please please please do not brine your turkey in Manischewitz, it would be much more fitting, and tasty, to deep-fry it). To me, Thanksgivukkah is like when two of your fav movies are on 2 different channels instead of back-to-back, or if the Golden Globes and Oscars were on the same night, or like a traffic jam when you’re already late (oops, nope, sorry, lost it there for a minute). Spread the joy around a little, wouldja? I know Merry Meri and I agree that, at first, we were not so merry about these holidays overlapping.

I like my Thanksgiving - time with family, in a warm house, eating warm, yummy food and feeling blessed to have all of those things, and more, in my life. And then roughly three weeks later (give or take) our houses fill with warmth once more, this time, from the light of the Menorah at sundown. We eat fried potato latkes with sour cream (so so so good) or applesauce (also delish) and fried dough (sufganiyot). We fry, ok? It’s alllll about the oil (but isn’t everything, really?). Oh, and I watch this video multiple times daily. I love these holidays. So while the overlapping is fun, and a chance to change things up, I’m a wee bit disappointed that within a week, both holidays will be over.

But it IS once-in-a-lifetime, and next year the holiday season will be back to normal (and it’s not in my nature to be a scrooge). So, let’s celebrate! Buy the Menurkey  (g-e-n-i-u-s!) Wear the shirts! Or if you’re me and my family…

* put colorful dreidels in glass vases and DIY a mini pumpkin menorah for centerpieces
* Pop a super cute printable into an 8x10 frame for instant décor. Oh wait…I couldn’t really find one that worked…
Soooo…I made one!1 And I’m sharing it with you! Click the image above to open it, save it to your computer and print as an 8x10. Use it to jazz up the dessert table, or add to a mantle display, or don’t, because you’re either A. not Jewish or B. don’t believe in Pilgrims or sweet potato pie. Enjoy!

1 I ‘designed’ this in Photoshop Elements. While this is an original, with the prevalence of Pinterest, and Etsy, and general interwebs, I’m sure that the inspiration sunk into my subconscious at some point. I also used a few fairly ubiquitous phrases that have popped up along with Thanksgivukkah.

For previous posts from (parent)thetically speaking, click HERE.

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